Kayan Tribe: The Long Necked Women of Thailand

 Distinctive Appearance

The Kayan Tribe Long Necked Women is recognized for the brass coils worn by women giving the illusion of elongated necks.

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Cultural Tradition

Neck rings are a symbol of beauty and cultural identity and worn as a tradition passed down through generations.

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Starting Young

Girls begin wearing neck coils as early as five years old by gradually adding more rings over time.

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Illusionary Length

While the neck isn't actually lengthened, the appearance of a longer neck is created as the shoulders and collarbone are pushed down.

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Community Significance

The coils represent community belonging and cultural pride among the Kayan people.

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Weighty Adornments

The coils can weigh up to 11 kilograms, becoming an integral part of a woman's daily life.

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Tourist Attraction

Kayan villages often attract tourists interested in their unique traditions.

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Symbolism of Rings

Each coil on a Kayan woman's neck has symbolic meaning, representing wealth, beauty and social status within the tribe.

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Changing Traditions

Younger generations sometimes do not wear the neck rings, reflecting evolving perspectives within the Kayan community.

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Global Recognition

The Kayan Tribe's long-necked women have gained international attention by making them a subject of fascination and intrigue worldwide.

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