Top 10 Places Every Tourist Should Visit In Papua New Guinea


Explore the stunning fjords for their underwater diversity, perfect for diving and snorkeling.

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Visit the vibrant local markets and witness the remnants of a volcanic eruption in this historical town.

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Port Moresby

Discover the capital city's museums, art galleries and the intriguing National Parliament House.

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Sepik River

Cruise along this iconic river surrounded by dense jungles and traditional villages.

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Mount Hagen

Experience the colorful Mount Hagen Cultural Show showcasing Papua New Guinea's diverse cultures.

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Relax on beautiful beaches, dive into crystal-clear waters and explore the town's colonial architecture.

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Mananda Ridge

Trek through lush forests and witness stunning views of the Owen Stanley Range.

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Attend the Goroka Show, a vibrant cultural festival celebrating the  country's indigenous tribes.

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Kitava Island

Experience traditional village life, enjoy pristine beaches and savor local cuisine on this picturesque island.

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