Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Top 10 Most Visited Tourist Places in Bhutan



The kingdom's capital and largest city, Thimphu is located in the west of central Bhutan, in one of the country's most beautiful valleys. Receiving capital status in 1961, Thimphu took over Punakha, the former capital of the kingdom, the residence of Bhutan's religious leaders before crowning the royal family.

Buddha Dordenma Statue


Erected in the mountains to celebrate the 60th birthday of Bhutan's fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Dordenma Buddha Statue is one of the largest Rupa Buddhas in the world and is 52 meters high, with more than 125,000 statues inside. Smaller Buddha image.



Located in the charming Paro Valley, Bhutan's second city is the first thing you see upon entering the country as it is home to the only international airport.

Taktsang Monastery


Perched more than 800 meters above Paro Valley, perched on a rocky outcrop halfway up a cliff, is the impressive Taktsang Monastery or "Tiger's Nest".

Rinpung Dzong


A major monastery and bastion of the Kagyu school of Buddhism in Bhutan, Rinpung Dzong is one of Bhutan's most famous temples and is the seat of the region's monastic administration.

Chele La Pass


Considered the highest vehicle-accessible pass in Bhutan, at about 3,989 meters above sea level, Chele La Pass is one of the high-altitude places to visit in Bhutan.

Punakha Dzong


Also known as Pungtang Dewa chhenbi Phodrang, meaning "palace of happiness and bliss", Punakha Dzong is a 17th century monastery built by the first Bhutanese Zhabdrung Rinpoche, and it is the oldest Buddhist dzong. second generation in the kingdom.

Punakha Dzong


Also known as Gangteng Valley, Phobjikha Valley is a vast U-shaped ice valley in central Bhutan, home to the famous Gangteng Monastery. The valley is famous for the rare, black-necked cranes that visit the area in winter from their summer residence in Tibet.